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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Perfect Strangers

Comparing the aspired "would be's" with the actual "is's" often generates a strain we term as emotional baggage. Our ideas and notions with which we had visualized certain sets of life, become the weighing down burden for quite an extent of our existence. Its more like becoming a hostage to one's perception rather than using it to soar higher, break free.

How about if today one sets one's life free from its 'supposed  to be' cell? Come to think of it...
Say talking about person to person interaction, a certain person A is disappointed in another person B. B hasn't turned out to be what A had thought B was, and each moment of their togetherness A drags along the emotional baggage of being with the wrong person. The same goes for the torment B bears had B's ideas also been betrayed. 

Now, wouldn't it be great if A and B both could perceive another notion, albeit different altogether! Of being absolute strangers to each other... without any back log of disappointments, without any charter of expectations. It would become like an experience of discovering "HOW" to deal with the person who is just there the way it is. Isn't it far better than going through a minute to minute divulging into finding out "HOW" different that person is from the perceived ideal? 

The same goes for each moment of the day punctuated with/without a non-personal interaction.

For whats its worth, it could be far more liberating, far more fulfilling!


meer said...

I am yet to see a virtue within the sons of Adam that include "without any charter of expectations" . So A and B are finding themselves to fulfill a "perceived ideal"!

leenah. said...

That is exactly what the suggestion was: of perceiving another notion.
If you observe closely enough, you'll notice that expectations form a learned tendency. And learnings can be tamed as well as unlearned. Hence goes for charter of expectations.

meer said...

Is that like we want to work our intellects into a preconcived list of others' expecations?

leenah. said...

I am not sure I understand what you are alluding to, however, my point definitely is of growing independent, and not dependent.

meer said...

I was just wondering who is living upto whose' expectaions when both are failing to fulfill them!

leenah. said...

If one has to learn, one must keep wondering... :)

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