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Friday, April 3, 2009

the heart aches and the soul hangs in a vaccuum.

why does it have to be so?

whats the use of it?

what should I do?

does being existentialist provide answers in this situation too?

what went wrong? And WHY?


Anonymous said...

Just follow your heart, it doesn't lie to you..

Don't question 'Why'.. just face the reality that you've been denying for a while..

It hurts yes.. but for each pain of ours there must be consolation somewhere; somehow..

Just hang in there.. rough times do not last forever my dear..

leenah. said...

Thanks a lot IYM. Indeed, rough times do not last forever, especially when such kindness is around! :)

msafer said...

Hi Leenah
Indeed everything starts small and then grows bigger but bad times start big then they shrink till they vanish. InshaAllah yours wont last long.

leenah. said...

Thanks 3asal :)

You are so true, and encouraging. Thank you so much for dropping in.

Hope all goes well at your end.