About This Blog

Monday, July 27, 2009

I wish I were ......

Frank Sinatara, as usual, awesome!!!


msafer said...

Hi Leenah. Lovely song.
thanks for sharing this pretty romantic one. How can I be a follower of your blog if i may ask? very much impressed.
Msafer in my language means Traveler i had to change my previous name because a comment was made from a blogger that 3asal (honey) should be for girls only.
Lovely day here in Denver how about Pakisatn?

leenah. said...

Thanks msafer :). 'musafer' in our lanuguage means the sme, derived from 'safr'- travel.
Its lovely here all these days, the rainy season in full swing so the sun tries to keep peeping through the naughty clouds that make a field day at the sky, major part of the day.
You'll find the follow the blog tab on top left corner of this page, among four tabs of follow, flag, nex, previous.
Stay well :)

msafer said...

AH Ok i can not find this the follow tap on the top left corner Hummmmmmmmmmm Leena is the blog or i need to change my eye glasses