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Friday, May 7, 2010

Choosing a turn.

Have you ever been at a cross section? Of course you have been. But how about being on the cross section where you are to choose between two of the available turns, and both are left. This LEFT or that LEFT! Yeah, thats when you don't have any RIGHT. 


msafer said...

That is so easy then i will go for both left turns.
If by any chance i find 2 right turns then i will go for them too and that is my limit.
This is just me crazy I know!!

leenah. said...

Two turns together? :o Two boats at one time? Are you sure to reach the shore?

msafer said...

No pain No gain I think!!

Anonymous said...

If I were in that position, I'll think outside the box and 'fly'.. for sure I wouldn't dig a grave in the other vertical direction ;)

come and visit my page please.. I miss you

leenah. said...

Did something close .... Bungee jumped into thin air with the other end of my rope tied to the Support! ;)

I did! But I thought you yourself weren't frequenting it....