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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Life Of a Crystal

In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being.

- Nikola Tesla

Reality is just that. Irrespective of our perceptions, our opinions and our understanding of it, reality prospers and flourishes.
The only bit of triumph we can achieve is in 
watchfulness of our intentions, of our will to understand...

Rest is,

!مالک دا کم پھل پُھل لانا، لاوے یا نہ لاوے

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



This Guy’s Wife Got Cancer, So He Did Something Unforgettable, The Last 3 Photos Destroyed Me.

The first time photographer Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he knew she was the one. They fell in love and got married in New York’s Central Park, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.
Five months later Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer. From Angelo’s blog: “I remember the exact moment…Jen’s voice and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I’ll also never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be OK.’”
Throughout her battle, Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.






















Angelo and Jennifer’s story is tragic, but it’s in the face of a tragedy such as this that we rise above.
In Angelo’s case, he has started an organization to help women with their financial struggles during their trials with breast cancer.
Photo Credits: Angelo Merendino

Friday, November 8, 2013

Black Hole To Golden Sun

Have you seen how a stringed instrument is played? 

Strings are plucked and they vibrate, resonating, producing sound waves - a form of energy. These sound waves have the power over how we feel. Music is this powerful a tool because of the energy that travels to and interacts with us.
Imagine how energy within our thoughts impacts us!

There were some tough moments yesterday. Despite having an exhaustive day, I laid awake at night thinking about the bitterness of the day. And suddenly, as if touched by it, I realized the energy I was radiating ... it was black. I was brooding over negativity. I was letting something not me alter my system, affect my energy.
The sensation hit like a bolt of current. And I'm glad it did. I was able to direct my thought stream into a more positive direction ... thinking of how some value could be added to the coming days.

We are our thoughts. When we think negative, that negativity is what we choose to make the focus of our lens. With our focus we magnify the gloomy thought into a gloomy universe, a universe that encompasses us completely.

Shift of thought brings shift of energy.

I am glad yesterday happened. :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013