Buddha spoke of the 4 Noble Truths:
1. Simply to exist on earth is to suffer
2. Suffering is tied to desire
3. Elimination of desire means the end to suffering
4. The method is the 8-fold path
These 8 steps are as follows:
(1) Harmlessness or self-restraint (Yama);
(2) Self-purification and contentment (Niyama);
(3) Posture (Sana);
(4) Breath and prana control (Pranayama);
(5) Introspection or abstraction (Pratyahara);
(6) Concentration (Dharana);
(7) Contemplation (Dhyana);
(8) Superconsciousness or Oneness (Samadhi).
The 8 stepped method (Yama, Niyama, Sana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi) essentially makes its way every year in to our lives to give us a refresher course. Yes, every year we get a chance to reclaim the Truth! However, only a few of us strive to avail this chance.
Are you eager for Ramzan this year?
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