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Monday, October 18, 2010


'Oh, yeah .....' she stammered, slightly unsettled at the sudden mention of that brown door.'That money-plant outside!'.

'You didn't remember it, did you? It wilted and died.' 

She avoided looking into her eyes, not quite sure if the sudden gleam in her eyes was a sign of familiarity, or a badge of hurt she didn't really appreciate wearing.

'Wilted and died'. Something echoed.

Was money-plant the only thing that wilted and died there? A thought crossed her mind.

'Yeah, I didn't'. She confessed finally.

What she didn't tell was that she didn't remember many other things as well. And this abrupt mention brought those in the form of a blue print of an architecture that had, since long, seized existing in memory. 

Her mind wandered. Aimlessly. She let it. Loose.
In the balcony. That narrow strip of the black empty sky that had filled her sight night after night. Those wayward pink bougainvillea that spread their arms as if imitating a lover's embrace. 
She drifted.

And stopped. There.

'پس چه ترسم کی ز مردم کم شدم', she whispered.


'When departing from one world to another, the agony of death didn't let memories live.'

Image Courtesy: jakehowlett.com


meer said...

When departing the silken cloth of memories were dragged on to a field of thorns and barbed wire!

leenah. said...

Thats exactly how they say transition is.

meer said...

On the subject of transition, we can even take to question, the birth of a moth. This is not a relative change, rather one onto the everlasting one! I guess that is why it is so hard to let go!

leenah. said...

It might be hard to let go, but that is only when one has not yet crossed over the threshold limit. Once the transition takes place, there is no question of letting go by choice... It just happens. A butterfly doesn't remember how did it feel to crawl as a caterpillar.

As Rumi says,

So why should I fear? When was I less by dying?

meer said...

Tentativeness rules mind, for no one is aware of what is present beyond the threshold. And of course if we are really arguing of death of the body!

I find my value.
Like my thoughts, I die and rise again each day
so how can I doubt the resurrection?
