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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Musings Of A Mad Heart

  • Let your Love alone suffice you.

  • Promises are but the sentinels that keep intellect from entrance into the realm of faith.

  • Regret is the futility of realizing the futility of an action done in the past.

  • Faith is the bridge that provides passage between two estranged worlds; From Experience to Hope.

  • For a heart in love, the entire universe is the echo of a sweet nothing.

  • Logic always betrays heart, and yet one has to stay logical while explaining the heart. What shame!

Khusro said,
lafz nahi, bayaan nahi, saut nahi, sada nahi
dil-e diwaana-e khusrau niko neest
che goyam bad pari rukhsargaan ra

chonani dar nazar nazarregan ra
ki raunaq beshitar mahpaargan ra
dil-e diwaana-e khusrau…………..
che goyam bad pari rukhsargaan ra

Not a word, nor a thought; a sound, nor a cry
All is not well with Khusro's crazy heart
O lovely faced Beloved, what more shall I tell Thee
A thousand idols fade away
when the lovers hold Your limitless beauty
Khusro's crazy heart is not well
What more is to be told O fair cheeked Beloved

Verse: Khusro's
Inapt Translation: mine

And the mad heart indulges into Guftam ke Roshan Az qamar by Ameer Khusro 

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