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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Step Up

  • Swamps are to be crossed, and left behind, when one is in search for the better. 
  • Haathi kay daant khanay kay aur, dikhanay kay aur; (literally (and very crudely) translated as: an elephant keeps dual sets of teeth, one for showing and one for mincing). I was just wondering if elephant could be the only animal to have this duality issue..... How about the social- animal?


meer said...

Everyone is composed of a wavelenghth and it with differnt frequencies within! We are too complex to be limited with duality.

leenah. said...

In that case it is referred to as M.P.D.

meer said...

It's not a disorder and what you refer is a resulof extremisim!

leenah. said...

And extremism is bipolar in nature.
Hence we are back to duality! ;)

meer said...

Simply just an other state of mind or another trait that the heart can conduct, amongst many.

msafer said...

That makes me relaxed I thought we only have those in NA.

leenah. said...

msafer, wasalam.
Sorry to disappoint, but nopes, you dont enjoy the exclusivity privilege alone in NA! ;)

I appreciate your advocacy skills.
Good going! :)