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Sunday, August 14, 2011

On 14th August: For The Heartless, Homeless

I wrote the following lines more than a year back at Chowk.com in reply to a barge of posts that contained nothing but venom for everything green under the sun! I felt angry and hurt. 
Today, its the 14th of August - the 64th Independence Day for Pakistan and going through the reaction of many of my country men, I think it would be best to share this post here as well.
I feel the same today.

Pakistan might not be the best place to live. But so is your home. There's always a dandier place, a fancier retreat! But you don't ditch your home, or do you? You don't keep cursing it for your own short comings, or do you?

Home is where the heart is, they say. 
May be these lines address the heartless, homeless lot.

In more than one ways this is intriguingly ironic and disturbingly real that we have among us quite a bunch of low esteem self loathing pathetic individuals whose only achievement in life seems to be an over bloated hatred for anything and everything that serves them a reminder of their originality (if they have any) and roots. 

Places DO NOT make people, its people who make the places. For a place to become a hell hole, the entire burden of (dis)credit belongs to the thankless lot of parasites that are no more than leeches sucking of blood from the feeble source we call home. It is unfortunate that the ones contributing the least, suffusing their pitless bellies with foreign currencies are the flag bearers of hateful banters, which to them is their more than fair share of contribution for making this country a better place to live!

I feel disgusted at this display of utter brazenness with which they disown this land after using every possible resource on her bosom. Thankless suckling creatures that make the oldest profession on earth seem a shame in contrast to their lack of shame.

Please, by all means, keep on being blind to your mediocrity but let me assert, even if this amounts to bursting your bubble, that you DO NOT come from Mars and (unfortunately) belong to this society. There are people who come from the same society as you do and come from less previliged backgrounds than your own but they overcome difficulties and soar high. Those on the other hand, who are too small to rise higher than the complexes of their skin colour and are limited by the barriers of self hatred continue being bitter to rather justify their inadequacies by blaming others, rejecting their own people and society and acting as if they are better than all of others, and hence bearing the responsibility of passing verdicts over the future of the nation.

For their sake, I would rather wish that all such scum actually leaves this country and rescinds its citizenship. Lets see what do they find then to whine about related to their useless existences! 

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