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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Either Black, Or White

A blob of blood,
A fist of clay
thats all in a bosom with Fire nay!

A heart aflame,
A chest ablaze 
is the find of a lover's maze

The moth that seeks
finds the Torch
whirls around
with passion bound
kindled by the light of Love
till is an ash mound

How could it not be,
for a heart to love Thee!
when even a moth knows
of melting for pure glee..

A heart that throbs 
and is charred of Love;
Burns with desire,
and speaks of Love;
Yearns for the Lord,
and believes of Love;
is the heart alone 
that belongs to Love.

In a bosom with Fire nay,
its a blob of blood
a fist of clay.

[Never had God endowed any man with two hearts in one body.]

Al Quran 33:4


meer said...

The "Blob of blood" reminds me of the Second verse in the sura Al-Alaq.

Your idea about following a format or syntax to be applied in poetry? am asking cause I was strictly asked to comply with the standards of how the English wrote!

leenah. said...

meer, as regards writing english like the English write, my take is as they say, 'while in Rome, do as the Romans do'... Goes absolutely without saying that a defined format and proper syntax has to be complied by when one seeks perfection. It can not be any other way round.

Unfortunately, meter and syntax are not my forte :(, so I usually settle for pretty less than perfect.... the advantage of having this blog as an expression of 'self'! ;)

leenah. said...

am obliged for your visit and feed back.

Hope to hear from you again :)

meer said...

The expression of the mentioned entity "self" is a great virtue to have, especially when it is influenced by only the positive forces.

I could not pen down thoughts as good after I went clean. As so understood or not, the poetry of "that age" is pretty much futile.

Will comment on reading a few more.

Am trying to find points to counter some ofyour ideas. Consider it a debate not a critic!
